Peter Wahl

Professor in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Email: wahl@… (…
Office: 207
Researcher ID: F-9337-2014
ORCID: 0000-0002-8635-1519
Researchgate: profile
Google Scholar: here


10/2006 Feodor Lynen Fellowship
6/2005 Otto-Hahn-Medal of Max-Planck-Society
6/2004 Wayne B Nottingham Prize at the Physical Electronics Conference

Professional Experience

since 8/2023 Research Professor at the University of Bonn as part of the strategic partnership between the Universities of St Andrews and Bonn
since 8/2018 Professor at the University of St Andrews
since 7/2018 Director of Research
since 1/2012 Reader at the University of St Andrews
(What is a ‘Reader’ ? see here)
9/2008-12/2014 Leader of a Max-Planck-Research Group
1/2008-8/2008 Senior Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research
9/2006-12/2007 Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the group of Prof. Seamus Davis, Cornell University
2/2005-8/2006 Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the group of Prof. Klaus Kern, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research


2001-2005 PhD in the group of Prof. Klaus Kern at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research and University of Konstanz on “Local Spectroscopy of Correlated Electron Systems at Metal Surfaces
2000/2001 Diploma thesis on “Underpotential Deposition of Lead on Cu(111)” with Prof. Klaus Wandelt, University of Bonn
1995-2001 Study of Physics at University of Bonn and Université de Lausanne